Although Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapy with a
trained Psychotherapist is the best, some people prefer to tackle their
problems themselves. There are a range of books and leaflets on self-help for problems,
which CBT is useful for (e.g. anxiety, phobias, depression, etc). See the
resources below for further details. Or discuss them with your Psychotherapist
from Nottingham CBT Services.
Anger and Irritability By William Davies Overcoming
Anorexia Nervosa By Christopher Freeman Overcoming
Anxiety By Helen Kennerley Bulimia
Nervosa and Binge Eating By Peter Cooper Overcoming
Childhood Trauma By Helen Kennerley Overcoming Chronic Fatigue By May Burgess Overcoming
Chronic Pain By Franes Cole er al Overcoming
Compulsive Gambling By Alex Blaszczynski Overcoming
Depression By Paul Gilbert Overcoming
Insomnia and Sleep Problems By Colin Espie Overcoming
Low Self Esteem By Melanie Fennel Overcoming
Mood Swings By Jan Scott Overcoming
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder By David Veal et al Overcoming
Panic By Derrick Silove et al Overcoming
Paranoid and Suspicious Thoughts By Daniel Freeman et al Overcoming
Problem Drinking By Marcantonio Spada Overcoming
Relationship Problems By Michael Crowe Overcoming
Sexual Problems By Vicki Ford Overcoming
Social Anxiety and Shyness By Gillian Butler Overcoming
Traumatic Stress By Claudia Herbert et al Understanding
your reaction to Trauma a guide for survivors of trauma and their families
By Claudia Herbert & David Grand Overcoming
Weight Problems By Jeremy Gauntlett-Gilbert et al Overcoming
Your Child’s Fears and Worries By Cathy Creswell et al Overcoming
Your Smoking Habits By David Marks Overcoming
Depression By Christopher Williams Overcoming
Anxiety By Christopher Williams Mind
Over Mood By Christine Padesky et al